Yadda Ake Rubuta CV ko Resume da Cover Letter
Yadda Ake Rubuta CV ko Resume da Cover Letter
Menene CV/Resume?
CV, wanda ake kira da Curriculum Vitae, takarda ce da ke nuna ilimi, gogewa a aiki, kwarewa, da sauran bayanai masu mahimmanci game da kai. A wasu kasashe, ana kiransa resume.
Tsayin CV
Tsayin CV ya danganta da adadin gogewa da kuma nau'in CV da za ka rubuta, amma mafi kyau kar CV ya wuce shafuka uku.
Abubuwan da CV Ya Kunsa
- Work Experience (Gogewar Aiki)
- Education (Ilimi)
- Contact Details (Bayanai na Tuntuɓa)
- Skills and Achievements (Kwarewa da Nasarori)
- Languages (Harsuna)
- Hobbies (Sha'awa)
- References (Shaida)
Gyara CV
- Fara da rubuta sunanka a matsayin title, ma'ana ka guji amfani da "Curriculum Vitae" a matsayin title.
- Title na CV ka ya kamata ya kasance da girman font 14 ko 16, kuma a rubuta shi da bold.
- Zaɓi font kamar Calibri ko Times New Roman a matsayin font naka, da girman font 12 don tabbatar da cewa masu duba CV za su iya karantawa.
- Kayi amfani da size iri ɗaya a dukkan sassan CV.
- Rubuta abubuwan a CV daga mafi kusa zuwa mafi nesa, na ilimi da gogewa.
- Yi amfani da bullet points don jerawa domin samun tsari mai kyau.
- Yayin da ka gama, kayi saving da sunan ka, misali: "Mohammed Bukar CV". Yi saving a cikin PDF kafin ka tura CV ɗin. Wasu masu ɗaukar aiki suna buƙatar CV a cikin Doc.
Abubuwan da Za Ka Rubuta a CV
- Yi amfani da kalmomin da zasu nuna kwarewarka. Misali: Professional, Proficient, Exceptional.
- CV mai kyau ba ya ɗauke da kurakurai a grammar ko spelling. Karanta CV ɗinka sosai ka gyara duk wani kuskure.
- Rubuta CV ɗinka bisa ga irin aikin da kake nema. CV yana bambanta, misali: CV na koyarwa, CV na matasa masu horo, da sauransu.
- Ka tabbatar email ɗinka yana dauke da sunanka, misali: mbmohammed@gmail.com, maimakon mbguy@gmail.com.
- Ka guji bayar da bayanai na karya ko gabanin da baka da shi a CV ɗinka.
Ire-Iren CV
- Chronological CV: Wannan CV yana lissafa gogewar aiki daga mafi kusa zuwa mafi nesa.
- Academic CV: Ana amfani da wannan CV mafi yawan malamai da masu koyarwa.
- Skill-based CV: Wannan CV yana mayar da hankali kan kwarewa fiye da gogewar aiki, misali ga masu sana’ar graphic design.
Misalin Chronological CV
1. Heading
Mb Mohammed
Opposite ABC, Adjacent to XXX, LGA, Your State.
2. Profile Summary
A resourceful humanitarian worker with wide experience in humanitarian activities in vulnerable communities in relief and development programs, strong knowledge of standard evaluative procedures and monitoring techniques, strong ability to address difficult problems through established approaches and techniques, proficient with data collection through simple or random sampling approach. A proficient manager with ability to take leadership responsibilities with exceptional inter-personal, cultural, and diplomatic skills.
3. Working Experience
POSITION: Field Enumerator
Jan 2019 – Date
- Constant contact with local leaders to trace sampled households.
- Organizing data in the field.
- Educating respondents on purpose of the survey and what it intends to achieve.
- Any other task assigned by the supervisor.
- Getting feedback from children through focus group discussions.
4. Education
University of Maiduguri - B.Sc Economics (Upper Division) 2018
5. Skills
- ODK Coding
- Excellent data entry skills (for both accuracy and speed)
- Proven computer literacy in Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Ability to operate office equipment and machines (printer, scanner, photocopier)
6. Certifications
- Certificate in Human Resources
- Certificate in Data Quality
- Certificate in Data for Management Use
- Certificate in Safeguarding
- Certificate in Child Protection in Emergency Settings
- Certificate in Advanced Excel
- Certificate in Computer Science
7. Personal Information
- Sex: Male
- Nationality: Country
- State of Origin: Your State
- Local Government Area: Your Local Government
- Marital Status: Single
8. Languages Spoken
- English
- Fulani
- Hausa
9. Referees
Name: Misbahu Bichi
Position: Database Officer, ABC Company
Location: State
Email: email of the referee
Phone Number: phone number of the referee
Name: Mb Mohammed
Position: Director, XYZ Company
Location: State
Email: email of the referee
Phone Number: phone number of the referee
Name: Name of the Third Referee
Position: M&E Officer, EDC Organization
Location: Local Government Area, State
Email: email of the referee
Phone Number: phone number of the referee
Note: Za ka iya rubuta "Referees Available on Request" maimakon lissafa sunaye idan ba a bukatar su a yanzu.
Idan kana da wasu tambayoyi akan CV/Resume, ka ajiye su a comment section.
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