An Bude Shafin Daukar Sabin Ma'aikata a Jami'ar Usman Dan Fodiyo Teaching Hospital
An Bude Shafin Daukar Sabin Ma'aikata a Jami'ar Usman Dan Fodiyo Teaching Hospital
A yanzu haka Jami'ar Usman Dan Fodiyo Teaching Hospital sun bude shafin daukar sabin ma'aikata
Jami'ar Usmanu Danfodiyo, Sokoto (UDUS), wacce aka fi sani da UDUSOK , jami'ar bincike ce ta jama'a dake cikin birnin Sokoto , arewa maso yammacin Najeriya . Yana daya daga cikin jami'o'i goma sha biyu na farko da gwamnatin tarayya ta kafa a Najeriya a shekarar 1975.
A yanzu haka Jami'ar Usman Dan Fodiyo Teaching Hospital sun bude shafin daukar sabin ma'aikata
1. Medical Officers
2. Pharmacists
3. Physiotherapists
4. Senior Nursing Officer
5. Nursing Officer II
6. Resident Doctor - Histopathology
7. Resident Doctor - Chemical Pathology
8. Resident Doctor - Haematology
9. Resident Doctor - Dental & Maxillofacial
10. Resident Doctor - Orthopaedic & Trauma
11. Resident Doctor - Microbiology
12. Resident Doctor - Radiology
13. Resident Doctor - Psychiatry
14. Resident Doctor - Radiotherapy
15. Resident Doctor - Family Medicine
16. Resident Doctor - Neurosurgery
17. Resident Doctor - Ophthalmology
18. Resident Doctor - Anaesthesiology
19. Resident Doctor - E.N.T
20. Resident Doctor - Community Medicine
21. Resident Doctor - Internal Medicine
22. Resident Doctor - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
23. Resident Doctor - Surgery
24. Resident Doctor - Paediatrics
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit one (1) copy of their Application attaching photocopies of relevant credentials and detailed Curriculum Vitae, in the following format:
- Sex
- Place of birth
- Permanent home address
- Nationality
- Contact address
- E-mail address
- Institutions attended with dates
- Academic qualification obtained with dates
- Extracurricular activities
- Name, address and phone number of three (3) referees
All applications must be addressed and submitted in a sealed envelope and marked "Application for the post of...(State the cadre) (.e. according to the post you are applying for)" at the top left hand corner of the envelope to:
The Chief Medical Director,
Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto,
Sokoto, Nigeria.
- Only shortlisted candidates shall be invited for interview.
- Previous applications are NOT valid.
- Applicants must strictly adhere to the content of this advert.
Ga yadda za a yi aikace-aikacen:
Masu sha'awar da suka cika ka'idoji su gabatar da kwafi ɗaya na aikace-aikacen su tare da kwafi na takardun shaida da cikakken Curriculum Vitae (CV) a cikin wannan tsarin:
- - Jinsi
- - Wurin haihuwa
- - Adireshin dindindin
- - Kasa
- - Adireshin tuntuɓa
- - Adireshin imel
- - Makarantun da aka halarta tare da kwanan watan
- - Kwarewar ilimi da aka samu tare da kwanan watan
- - Ayyukan hannu
- - Sunan, adireshi da lambar wayar guda uku (3) na masu bayar da shaida
Dukkan aikace-aikacen za su kasance a cikin kwali da aka kulle, a jera "Aikace-aikacen neman aikin...(Sanya matsayin da kake nema)" a saman hagu na kwali, a tura zuwa:
Mai Gudanar da Asibiti,
Asibitin Koyarwa na Usmanu Danfodiyo, Sokoto,
Sokoto, Najeriya.
- - Za a gayyaci waɗanda aka zaɓa kawai don ganawa.
- - Tsoffin aikace-aikacen ba su da amfani.
- - Masu nema su bi wannan sanarwa sosai.
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