Daukar Ma'aikata a Jami’ar Usmanu Danfodiyo da ke Sakkwato
Daukar Ma'aikata a Jami’ar Usmanu Danfodiyo da ke Sakkwato
Jami’ar Usmanu Danfodiyo da ke Sakkwato (Tsohuwar Jami’ar Sakkwato) na daya daga cikin Jami’o’i hudu da Gwamnatin Tarayyar Najeriya ta kafa a watan Satumba na shekarar 1975, a lokacin ne aka kafa Kwalejojin Jami’o’i uku (yanzu cikakkun Jami’o’i).
A yanzu haka jami'ar ta bude shafin daukar ma'aikata a bangarori iri-iri kamar:
Ayuka da aka bude:
- 1. Nursing Officer
- 2. Staff Nurse
- 3. Surgeon
- 4. Internal Medicine Doctor
- 5. Pediatrics Doctor
- 6. Anesthesiology Doctor
- 7. Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctor
- 8. Community Medicine Doctor
- 9. E.N.T Doctor (Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor)
- 10. Neurosurgery Doctor
- 11. Family Medicine Doctor
- 12. Radiologist
- 13. Ophthalmology Doctor (Eye Doctor)
- 14. Radiotherapy Doctor
- 15. Psychiatry Doctor
- 16. Orthopedic & Trauma Doctor
- 17. Dental & Maxillofacial Doctor
- 18. Microbiologist
- 19. Histopathology Doctor
- 20. Pathology Hematology Doctor
- 21. Chemical Doctor
- 22. Nursing Superintendent
- 23. Radiographer
- 24. Optometrist
Yadda Zaku Cike
Domin cike wadannan ayyuka da aka lissafa a sama, ku zabi daya daga ciki, kuyi photocopy na takardunku yakin ku hada da Curriculum Vitae naku dake dauke da bayanan da ke a kasa da duk wata takarda mai mahimmanci:
- Full name
- Age
- Sex
- Place of birth
- Permanent home address
- Nationality
- State of origin
- Local Government Area
- Contact address
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Marital status
- Institutions attended with dates
- Academic qualification obtained with dates
- Extracurricular activities
- Name, address and phone number of three (3) referees
A Kula!!!
All applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked "Application for the post of Nursing Officer" at the top left-hand corner of the envelope and addressed to:
The Director of Administration,
Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto,
P.M.B. 2370,
Sokoto State.
Allah yasa mu dace
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