Daukar Ma'aikata a Jami'ar Fasaha da Gudanarwa ta Najeriya Wato Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM)
Daukar Ma'aikata a Jami'ar Fasaha da Gudanarwa ta Najeriya Wato Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM)
Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM) wato Jami'ar Fasaha da Gudanarwa jami'a ce da aka kafa a Najeriya, domin samarda ingantaccen ilimin kimiyya, fasaha, injiniyanci, mathematics (STEM) da Management ga ɗalibai a matakin karatun digiri na daya, biyu da digiri na uku.
Ina masu bukutar aiki a jami'a. Jami'ar Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM) a jiya talata ta fitarda sanarwar daukar sabin ma'aikata a jami'ar, inda a yanzu haka ana ci gaba da cikewa. Masu bukata ku biyomu anan zamuyi masu bayani dalla-dalla kan yadda zaku cike.
Dafarko mai cikewa ya sani C.V. ne kawai za'a tura zuwa email address na hukumar daukar ma'aikata ta jamiar, zamu ajiye email nasu a kasa. Mu sani cewa kafin mu tura CV namu mu tabbatar yan dayke da wadannan bayanai dake kesa:
- Full Name (Surname, First name, Middle name)
- Place and Date of Birth
- Nationality
- State of Origin/Local Government Area
- Permanent Home Address
- Correspondence Address (if different from Permanent Address)
- Mobile Phone Number
- Email address
- Educational Institutions attended with dates.
- Academic Qualifications and Distinctions obtained with dates.
- Professional Qualification obtained with dates.
- Work experience including full details of former and present posts.
- Community service rendered (including dates and locations)
- Full details of teaching and research experience
- List of publications and dates where applicable
- Honours / Awards
- Membership of Professional Bodies
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Names and addresses of three Referees.
- Any other relevant information.
Ɓangarori da Zaku Iya Cikewa:
- 1. Technology Assistant at NUTM
- 2. Adjunct Faculty – Psychology at NUTM
- 3. Adjunct Faculty – Physics at NUTM
- 4. Adjunct Faculty – Mathematics at NUTM
- 5. Adjunct Faculty – English Literature at NUTM
- 6. Adjunct Faculty - Communications at NUTM
- 7. Adjunct Faculty – Computer Science at NUTM
- 8. Adjunct Faculty – Economics at NUTM
- 9. Adjunct Faculty – English Language at NUTM
- 10. Adjunct Faculty - Information Technology at NUTM
- 11. Adjunct Faculty - Cyber Security at NUTM
- 12. Assistant Lecturer - Senior Lecturer - Professor - Computer Science at NUTM
- 13. Assistant Lecturer - Senior Lecturer - Professor - Cyber Security at NUTM
- 14. Assistant Lecturer - Senior Lecturer - Professor - Information Technology at NUTM
Yadda Zaku Cike
Bayan tsara CV dake dauke da bayanan da ke sama, a tura C.Vn zuwa shafin email address kamar haka: hr@nutmng.org. sannan a wajan subject dake cikin email a bayyani bangarenda ake bukatar aiki.
Allah Yasa Mu Dace Baki Daya
Thanks for your help