

Today,11July, 2023 N-Power Updates: Important information to all Batch C1 and C2 Beneficiaries

Today,11July, 2023 N-Power Updates: Important information to all Batch C1 and C2 Beneficiaries

Today,11July, 2023 N-Power Updates: Important information to all Batch C1 and C2 Beneficiaries

Below is the briefing of today's meeting:

1) As a result of the new administration, N-Power is yet to get fund approval. Therefore N-Power payment date for the months of January, February, March, April, May and June are unknown pending when payment is approved. 

2) Continuation of the Npower programme depends on the new President's approval.

3) Npower batch c stream 1 beneficiaries yet to receive Npower payment will receive their payment once fund is approved.

4) Npower batch C Stream 1 program has officially ended long ago.

5) Npower payment is ongoing for Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiaries. It is gradually made.

6) Additional Npower payment for 3 months to Npower batch c stream 1 beneficiaries was for Nexit package.

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13 Responses to "Today,11July, 2023 N-Power Updates: Important information to all Batch C1 and C2 Beneficiaries"

  1. My comment is want about nexit Bach A & B I'm sory forverty over

  2. I didn't receive any of October, November and December

  3. Im Npower Batch C1 beneficiary pls Nasims help and look for payment C1 backlog February April May June July August and the October November

  4. Good evening my name is Pam Dung batch C1 beneficiary Npower I have not received my September October and November baglog of the three months added by the former minister kindly assist thanks

  5. I never recieve 3months yet, Sept ,Oct,Nov.. C1

  6. Good morning to you all. My name is hussaini hamza batch C1 beneficiary n power l have not received my Ang and September baglog of the three months added by the former minister please assist me for that thanks

  7. I thanks God for mr President Bola Ahmad Tinubu I thanks for N-power official i am in batch C 2 i received my stipend October, November and December I really appreciate remaining January to June 2022.

  8. Pls I am batch c 2 I not received any payment for October to December pls help look into it

  9. I'm N-power batch C1 I'm pleading if N-power can assist us the more things are too difficult I'm just a private school workers. Please have mercy

  10. I no understand this woman ooo, the new government as to approve the payment before, you we pay us our spending.what happens to the money that the former president approves, to pay the batch c stream 1

  11. How can I access the recruitment site
