

623,797 enumerators, 125,944 supervisors, 24,001 Data Quality Assistants, 12,000 Field Coordinators, 1,000 Data Quality Managers, 1639 Training Centre Administrators and 59,000 LGA level facilitators - NPC

623,797 enumerators, 125,944 supervisors, 24,001 Data Quality Assistants, 12,000 Field Coordinators, 1,000 Data Quality Managers, 1639 Training Centre Administrators and 59,000 LGA level facilitators - NPC

623,797 enumerators, 125,944 supervisors, 24,001 Data Quality Assistants, 12,000 Field Coordinators, 1,000 Data Quality Managers, 1639 Training Centre Administrators and 59,000 LGA level facilitators - NPC


In preparation for the conduct of the 2023 Population and Housing Census scheduled to begin from 29th March to 2nd April 2023, the National Population Commission has commenced the training of functionaries for the exercise in all states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) from Monday, 23rd January 2023.

 The training which is being organized in stages started with the training of Census Specialized Workforce (CSW) and facilitators who will in turn train enumerators, supervisors, field coordinators, data quality assistants and data quality managers. The training includes self-learning study, online training with monitored simulated hands-on and in-person classroom and hands-on trainings.

The functionaries are to be trained on census forms, census applications, data capturing processes, interpersonal communication, and basic troubleshooting of Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI). Other focus topics during the training include dispute resolution and basic use of excel.

To ensure that the data collected are of high quality, the Commission has recruited and trained Data Quality Managers and Data Quality Assistants on the deployment of maps, data validation and monitoring of the census dashboard. 

The total number of functionaries to be trained and deployed for the 2023 Census is 786,741 consisting of 623,797 enumerators, 125,944 supervisors, 24,001 Data Quality Assistants, 12,000 Field Coordinators, 1,000 Data Quality Managers, 1639 Training Centre Administrators and 59,000 LGA level facilitators. 

The Commission calls on all stakeholders to support it to conduct the census successfully.

Isiaka Yahaya, Ph.D

Director, Public Affairs

23rd January 2023

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32 Responses to "623,797 enumerators, 125,944 supervisors, 24,001 Data Quality Assistants, 12,000 Field Coordinators, 1,000 Data Quality Managers, 1639 Training Centre Administrators and 59,000 LGA level facilitators - NPC"

  1. Are the enemerators and supervisors shortlisted too?

  2. Why is it that mine are still showing pending

  3. When would those that would be involved in monitoring and evaluation be trained?

  4. Mine is still showing pending as well.
    Please sir.

  5. Good morning, please mine is still showing pending. I applied as a supervisor. Please shortlist my name. Thank you

  6. Mine is still showing pending

  7. Good morning sir. The dashboard is still showing pending and the new hear is that npc has shortlisted.are we still functional towards the recruitment. Thank you, sir.

  8. Good morning Sir, my application is is still pending, Any hope for us. Ki dly help out. Thank you

  9. Good morning, my application is still showing pending, what's my fate,any hope?

  10. Good day. Mine is still showing pending

  11. Oh God what kind of a world,nation are we make to come from, where a program that was supposed to be a benefit to the general public, or applicants,why some wicked and greedy person will hijacked the project made from federal government, some are waiting to received a massage, and we are hering that in some state
    local government training is been hered...

  12. There is God o....

  13. Good morning sir!
    My name on the dashboard still shows pending. What do I do?
    Secondly, some facilitators are not aware of this training date.
    Please send mail to all.thanks

  14. Please how do i check mine

  15. My dashboard is still showing pending please help

  16. My dashboard is still showing pending. I applied as a supervisor. Pls help

  17. I apply for NPC online my name are not shortlisted

  18. Those of us still pending is a bye bye try again another time.

  19. Many of us attended the virtual classes with quizzes and exams, the census certification program too but we're not invited for the contact training (SWF) that started on Monday. We went to the venue to complain, checked the list pasted and couldn't find our names just for the officials to tell us there is nothing they can do about it. Meanwhile there were some who didn't attend any training online and were invited. With the way we dedicated our time this is not being fair to us.

  20. Why is it that mine is still showing pending? from Ekiti

  21. Good evening sir
    Mine is still showing pending from Edo state

  22. Let the truth be told.... power to be have looted the money. What they are doing is nonsense

  23. Why is it so showing application status pending? I need clarification from someone pls.

  24. I lost my application id or application code
    Please is there a way I can retrieve it

  25. Mine too is still pending,pls help

  26. Pls how do i fine the short listed applicants

  27. Make una forget am na who know who .. even me was selected. So make una calm down na so e dey be..

  28. I choose data quality assistant but seems all the enumerator and supervisor are d one gotten approved.
    What do we do?

  29. Mine was also pending but I went to the local government NPC office I called my name and the opened the system and my name was there they activated it and I did my screening immidiately and I was ask to go since that day mine is showing approved
