5 Steps to Check Your National Population Commission Recruitment Approval
5 Steps to Check Your National Population Commission Recruitment Approval
National Population Commission is the principal data mining commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, responsible for collecting, collating, analyzing and publishing data about the Nigerian people and economy.
Did You apply for National Population Commission (NPC) as Ad-hoc staff of title" Enumerator" ? here in this article we will guide you on how to check your application status from the National Population Commission E-Recruitment portal.
Here are the steps to follow
1. Step 1: Click on the link address https://2023censusadhocrecruitment.nationalpopulation.gov.ng/
2. Step 2: Click on Check "Application Status"
3. Step 3: "Enter Your Application Code" or NIN Number in the provided space
4. Step 4: Click on "PROCEED" give some minutes to load
5. Step 5: Check "Application Status: Pending or Approved"
Stay with us at Haskenews.com.ng for more updates regarding NPC recruitment of Adhoc staff
Please I can't view my status anymore.The last time I view my status,it was till pending.Please help me.So that I can send my account details.Thanks