Mene ne Gaskiyar Wannan Sako da Ake Aikawa Na Hukumar INEC ga Waɗanda Suka Cike Aikin Ad-hoc staff 2023 General Election
Friday, November 18, 2022
1 Comment
Mene ne Gaskiyar Wannan Sako da Ake Aikawa Na Hukumar INEC ga Waɗanda Suka Cike Aikin Ad-hoc staff 2023 General Election
A jiya 18 gawatan Nuwamba, 2022 ne dubban mutane da suka cike aikin Ad-hoc staff 2023 General Election aka tura masu sako mai dauke da bayanai inda sakon yake kira da a cike Google form link?
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,
Your application to participate as an Ad-hoc staff during the 2023 General Election has been
received. You are required to fill out the attached Google form link to indicate your availability for
the training and possible deployment.
Thank you
Kuyi comment a kasa domin wayarda kan jama'a
Wannan ba gaskiya bane dan haka ka daina tura abubuwanda ba gaskiya ba cikin shafin ka kana cutar da mutane suna tura information dinsu ta inda basu sani ba