Jami'ar Al-Ansar University, Maiduguri (AUM) ta Buɗe Shafin Daukar Ma'aikatan Academic da Non-Academic Staff
Jami'ar Al-Ansar University, Maiduguri (AUM) ta Buɗe Shafin Daukar Ma'aikatan Academic da Non-Academic Staff
Jami'ar Al-Ansar, Maiduguri (AUM) dake Maiduguri, jihar Bornon Najeriya. Gidauniyar Al-Ansar Foundation ce mai zaman kanta wacce aka kafa tare da takamaiman mai da hankali kan taimaka wa 'yan ƙasa marasa galihu samun damar samun Ilimi da Ayyukan Kula da Lafiya da sauransu.
An kafa Jami'ar Al-Ansar tare da wasu jami'o'i masu zaman kansu goma sha ɗaya (11) a ranar 6 ga Afrilu, 2022 kuma sun sami lasisin aiki a ranar 12 ga Mayu, 2022. An kafa jami'ar ne da gaske don yaba ƙoƙarin gwamnatoci a kowane mataki da kuma cike gurbin ilimi mai zurfi. gibi, musamman a yankin Arewa maso Gabas.
Ayuka da Zaku Iya Cikewa a Jami'ar
- 1. Asst. Director Academic Planning
- 2. Asst. Chief Security Officer 3. Principal Works Supt
- 4. Deputy Registrar.
- 5. Principal Assistant Registrar
- 6. Senior Assistant Registrar 1
- 7. Senior Assistant Registrar 11
- 8. Assistant Chief Executive officer
- 9. Assistant Registrar
- 10. Admin Officer
- 11. Library Officer 11
- 12. Technologist 1
- 13. Guidance and Counselling Officer
- 14. Data Processing Officer
- 15. Accountant 11
- 16. Confidential Secretaries
- 17. Nursing Officer 11
- 18. Clerical Assistant
- 19. Library Attendant
- 20. Carpentry/Electricians/Plumbers
Yadda Zaku Cike
Interested and qualified candidates are to submit Five (5) hard copies of their Applications along with Curriculum Vitae attached with copies of Certificates including candidate’s details as follows:
Full Names
Date of Birth
Permanent Home Address
Current Postal Address including e-mail address and Telephone Contact
Marital Status
Number of Children (with dates)
Institutions attended (with dates)
Academic Qualifications (with dates)
Professional Qualifications (with dates)
Honors, Distinctions, and Membership of Learned Societies and Professional Bodies
Outstanding Publications, Discoveries or inventions if applicable (giving all relevant details)
Working experience in the University System (giving names of the institution(s) and dates)
Details of Administrative, Fund-attraction and Management Experience in the university system;
Specific Services to Local, National and International Communities (giving dates, institution / establishment, and status)
Present Employment Status, Salary and Employer
Extra-curricular Activities
Names and Addresses of three Referees.
All Applications should be sent to:
The Registrar,
Al-Ansar University, Maiduguri,
Take-Off Site, Bada Road, Maiduguri, Borno State.
Note: Only shortlisted candidates are to be invited for interview.
Application Deadline 15th December, 2022.
All the best
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