

15 Job Seeker Skills You Should Know

15 Job Seeker Skills You Should Know

15 Job Seeker Skills You Should Know Before and After Graduation

How To Become a Recruiter

Before you embark on a career as a recruiter, there are certain things you must do. We've arranged these requirements into four steps:

1. Get a bachelors degree

2. Learn what kind of recruiting you like

3. Gain relevant experience

4. Build your network

5. Continue your education

15  Recruitment Skills You Need

1. Attention to detail

2. Strong communication skills

3. Marketing skills

4. Relationship building and networking skills

5. Multitasking and time management skills

6. Patience

7. Good listening skills

8. Confidence

9. Body language skills

10. Teamwork skills

11. IT skills

12. Reliability

13. Being target driven

14. Negotiation skills

15. Robustness

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