How to make money in nigeria 2023/2024

We have seen your frequent request on Successful And Profitable Businesses That will Earn You Cash In Northern Nigeria( Arewa) with these request today article is published to discuss various Marketability and profitability businesses that one can start in northern Nigeria and to earn huge cash. Are you a registered domicile of Northern Nigeria ( Arewa), Merchant, serving Co-member or Nonregistered Domicile of Arewa looking for a business to operate in northern part of Nigeria here we provide Lucrative trail and successes business ideas. We believed with high degree of Confidence every business we listed is a successful and will earns you huge cash provided that the business is done well.
(1) Farming
Farming is the top on the chart of all the Successful Businesses that will earn you cash in northern Nigeria( Arewa). This business idea is marketable depending on which state you are in northern Nigeria. Suppose you resident in Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara, Katsina, Borno, Niger, Kano, Jigawa and Kuduna it is advisable to operate mixed farming (both cultivation of crops and Rearing animals). The common crops that one can operate and earn cash in such state include:- millet, rice, onion, maize, sorghum, cassava, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, cowpe, groundnut and all classes of vegetables. The Common animals you should rear in are Goat, Cow, Chicken, Fish farming, Ducks, Dog, Donkey, birds, Rabbit, and like note that Dogs business will only earns you money if you are in kebbi and kaduna state else the business will cost you lost.The remaining States that I have not mentioned, it is advisable to go for only rearing animals (poultry, fish farming and like).
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(2) Selling Food Stuffs
Selling Food Stuffs is the second on the chart of the Successful Businesses That will Earn You Cash In Northern Nigeria( Arewa). Agree with me that The northern Nigeria(Arewa) is densely populated geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Unfortunately, such zones are lacking people with such business. The business is of two types on either to be selling of raw food or open a restaurant. Selling Food stuffs business moves fast as such needs even less capital to operate at inception and is very much profit making afterwards.
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(3) Sales of Mobile Phone, Computer Accessories And Home Appliances
Sales of Mobile Phone, Computer Accessories And Home Appliances this is one of the mosts Profitable business to run with as little capital as N10,000 - N50,000 saved using a platform like, Amazon, Jiji, Alibaba, auwal express, kanga and like. If you're interested, you can log to their website and buy goods. You are good to go. One of the uniquenesses of this business is that some of the online marketing shifting is free. Sales of Mobile Phone, Computer Accessories And Home Appliances business can also be done in mobile fashion. i.e becoming an inter mediant(between the customers and producers)
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(4) Table water and Ice block Production
Table water and Ice block Production is the most fastest, profitability and successful business that one can run not only in the northern Nigeria but Nigeria in general. Northern Nigeria (arewa) is located within the tropical climate region with an abundance of sunlight heat and not enough good water. Unfortunately, Northern Nigeria has very poor electricity supply. This problem of regular electricity cause difficulties for homes to maintain adequate cold water and ice in their refrigerators.Due to that Table water and ice block production become the most fastest and growing business in northern Nigeria and easily to earn huge money as long as you are producing enough bags and reducing costs of bags to the customers.
How the Table water and Ice block Production is running in northern Nigeria
Most of the northern States one bags of pure water is at the rate of N 50. When the water is cool Price increase to N10 while ice block is at the rate of N20-N50 depending on the location.
People need ice blocks to mix within cold water and drink, Some mix ice block with Fura da Nono.
Your market includes households around your neighbourhood, inter local government, retail shops, schools, restaurants and bars that need to keep their drinks ice cold at all times.
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(5) Bicycle, Tricycle and Car Wash
Some people may shocked, asking themselves whyI listed Bicycle, Tricycle and Car Wash as Number five on the top Chart , The reason behind that is Bicycle, Tricycle and Car Wash is one of the best, profitable, lucrative and easiest business that requires no money to start. Bicycle, Tricycle and Car Wash is my first business, the business is unique more than expectation. I am doing this business for over 20years in a day I wash like 10, cars each car I collected N500 so if you calculate 10×500 is N5,000. To be noted if you want to start this business here is the best states you can run the business Abuja, Kano, Sokoto and Kaduna.
(6) Eggs Business (Supply & Distribution)
Did you know that eggs are not for dietary needs, eggs are used for various things, depending on the production such as, Cosmetics, hair conditioners, confectioneries shampoo, glue, face masks and like. Eggs supply is a profitable business that can be operated in any of the northern states on a small scale and grow to become big scale. If you are interested in eggs supply Business here are the tips to follows, The first thing you should do is to locate a near poultry farms that produce quality and quantity eggs, express your need to them. Some Poultry farms when you signed a contract with them, they will give it for you as loan after you sold, then remove your profit and take the initial money back. After you located thecenter work and develop a network of customers (buyers) who are many and varied around your school. If you are a student, Lodge or neighborhood. To succeed, try to get empty eggs crates from others runningthe same business and a delivery van. Minus the delivery van, you can run this business with less than N50,000. Most of the northerns State eggs crate is selling at the rate of N1,000.
(7) Metals, Plastics, Rubber, Pepper and E-waste Recycling
Metals, Plastics, Rubber, Pepper and E-waste Recycling is the most uncommon Business in a northern part of Nigeria. The only problems associated with the business is , "Finance " before one can operate such business have save money like 50,000 and above. There is nothing more exciting than making money while at it. When it comes to Metals, Plastics, Rubber, Pepper and E-waste Recycling, it is all about of keeping your environment hygienic and clean at the same time generating huge income. Metals, Plastics, Rubber, Pepper and E-waste Recycling is the perfect and suitable business for non Domicile and Domicile of Northern part of Nigeria.
(8) Computer and Mobile Phone Repairs
Computer and Mobile Phone Repairs is an easiest business idea that you can run or start with very little amount. Before you become expert in the business you have to exercise patient to learn how to repair, manage and control both system softwares and hardware of a Computer or mobile phones. With less than N10,000 you can start a Computer or phone repair and maintenance business in Northern part of Nigeria(Arewa).
(9) Things to do before engaging in to Computer and Mobile Phone Repairs.
All you need to do create a time for your self to attend a Computer or Mobile Phone training Center that usually training on hardware and software mentainance.attend the program at least 3 months then try to buy the following tools box razor, screwdriver, adhesive, soldering iron, brush, Charger, pin, battery, tester, etc. and some marketing to let people know what you do or try to do nice work to every customer meet you. You also need to develop Co-relationships with dealers of quality Computer and Phone accessories for cheaper be frank with as low as N6,000, you can buy a repair kit from any e-Commerce storServices
(10) Rental Services
This is also a good business to run when you are in northern Nigeria its very difficult to find someone operating this type of business. This business requires huge money before you engage in to it. As every one know that the price of home Appliances increase people prepared torend then to buy new. Agree to me constantly need things that they do not the roster of things you can start contracting out includes chairs, Tables, canopies, Building materials, vacuum cleaners,cutlers , event halls, cooking utensils, mechanical tools box, music box, ladder and like.
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