Call for Grant Applications: Apply For Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) Young Leaders Development Funds
Call for Grant Applications: Apply For Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) Young Leaders Development Funds
More than 70 percent of Nigeria’s population is made up of young people, with estimations of continuous growth in the next few decades. Given this significant number, it is evident that the future growth of Nigeria is linked to having an educated, skilled, healthy, and politically active youthful population that is involved in the development of long-term policy strategies.
The participation of Nigerian youth in leadership and politics has evolved overtime. Coming from a legacy of active student unionism (1980s), where universities served as spaces for intellectual debates and youth expression, to a period of youth organizing aided by new media (2010-present), the Nigerian youth ecosystem has experienced a reawakening of some sorts.
● Respect
● Integrity
● Synergy
● Excellence
NYFF mission is to strengthen, support and enable young people in Nigeria for youth leadership, activism and social change through outcome-driven policy engagements and inclusive resourcing that will support youth in shaping and supporting medium and long-term national development.
The NYFF runs on 3 programmatic pillars:
● The Imaginative Futures Working Group
● Young Leaders Development (YLD)
● Advocacy (Online and Media Engagement) #TheNigeriaWeWantDialogue
Grant Thematic Areas
Employment and Education
The applicants should consider youth driven initiatives that focus on supporting the youth in their education and to spur up employment opportunities. Such initiatives should be inclusive and target result oriented activities among the youth.
Media, sport, and Entertainment
Projects that promote and strengthen Youth activities in media, sport and entertainment. Identification and promotion of youth media platforms and creative talent should be prioritized.
The concepts should focus on health issues of the young people such as drug and substance abuse, sexual and reprodcutive health, mental health and others
Peace building and Security
This prioritizes concepts that promote cultural integration, peaceful coexistence, armed forces and civilian relationship, and host of others.
ICT and Entrepreneurship
ICT driven solutions that create values and have a sustainable business model.
Climate change and Environment
Initiatives and ideas that address drought and desertification, land degradation, more frequent extreme weather events, affected fresh water, water resources and loss of biodiversity
Civic participation
initiatives and ideas that help increase Youth engagement/participation in politics and leadership.
How To Apply
Interested applicants can apply via the below link address
Small Grant
This grant type is for 6o beneficiaries(Individual)
Action Grant
For 40 Grassroots and Community-based Organization
$1000- $3000
Development Grant
For 25 Youth-led & Youth focused organizations
Catalytic Grant
For 6 Civic and innovation hubs focusing on Youth oriented activities across Nigeria
Guidelines for Submission
Applicants should submit a concept note/proposal, not more than 2000 words, following the stated guidelines and proposal template
Download Proposal Template
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