National Cash Transfer Office (NCTO) ta nemi afuwa kan jinkiri wajen biyan alawus -alawus
National Cash Transfer Office (NCTO) ta nemi afuwa kan jinkiri wajen biyan alawus -alawus
Ofishin Canjin Kudi na Kasa ya nemi afuwa kan jinkirin biyan N5,000 ga talakawa da marasa galihu.
Kamfanin Dillancin Labarai na Najeriya (NAN) canja wurin tsabar kudi yana baiwa yan najeriya hakuri akan rashi kin biyan su da baayi ba.
Wannan yana kunshe ne a cikin wata sanarwa da Jami’in Sadarwa na Kasa, Ofishin Canjin Kudi na Kasa, Mista Henry Ayede a Abuja ranar Alhamis.
Coordinator na shirin na kasa, Hajiya Halima Shehu, ta ce ofishin ya fahimci matsalolin da jinkirin ya haifar, yayin da ta yi kira da a kwantar da hankula nan ba da jimawa ba za a biya.
Hajiya ta lura cewa dakatar da biyan ya zama dole don karfafa tsarin yayin da kuma inganta tsarin aiwatarwa don yiwa masu cin gajiyar su kyau.
“Mun fahimci cewa jinkirin ya haifar da matsalolin da suka shafi wasu tsare -tsaren masu cin gajiyar.
"Dakatar da biyan kuɗi ya zama dole don ƙarfafa tsarin da inganta tsarin aiwatarwa don yi musu hidima mafi kyau, tabbatar da ƙimar kuɗi, lissafi da gaskiya.
"Wadannan suna da mahimmanci don cimma burin gwamnatin Shugaba Muhammadu Buhari na fitar da 'yan Najeriya miliyan 100 daga kangin talauci a cikin shekaru 10 masu zuwa," in ji ta.
Ko’odinetan shirin, ya ce an kafa ofishin ne don bayar da shawarar biyan wadanda za su ci moriyar shirin don baiwa ofishin damar cimma manufofin ci gaban shirin.
Ta kara da cewa waɗannan fa'idodin sun haɗa da haɓaka amfani da gida, haɓaka rajista a makarantu da tabbatar da dorewar rayuwa, da sauransu. (NAN)
Duba Labarin acikin harshen turanci
NCTO apologises for delay in payment of stipends –
The National Cash Transfer Office has apologised for the delay in the payment of N5,000 to poor and vulnerable households.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) the cash transfer aims at responding to deficiencies in capacity and lack of investment in human capital of poor and vulnerable households
Beneficiaries are paid on bi-monthly bases.
This is contained in a statement by the National Communication Officer, National Cash Transfer Office, Mr Henry Ayede in Abuja on Thursday.
The National Programme Coordinator of the programme, Hajiya Halima Shehu, said the office understood the difficulties the delay had caused, while calling for calmness as payment would soon be made.
Shehu noted that the pause in payment became necessary to strengthen systems while also improving the implementation process to serve beneficiaries better.
“ We fully understand the delay has brought about difficulties that have affected some of the beneficiaries’ plans.
“ The pause in payment became necessary to strengthen systems and improve the implementation process to serve them better, ensure value for money, accountability and transparency.
“ These are requisite to achieving President Muhammadu Buhari’s government vision of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in the next 10 years,’’ she said.
The programme coordinator, however, said that the office was set to recommence payment to beneficiaries to enable the office achieve the development objectives of the programme.
She added that these benefits include the improvement in household consumption, increase school enrolment and ensuring sustainable livelihood, among others. (NAN)
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