

Free Banking and Finance Project Topics For Undergraduates and Postgraduates Students

Free Banking and Finance Project Topics For Undergraduates and Postgraduates Students

Free Banking and Finance Project Topics For Undergraduates and Postgraduates Students

The Role Of Leadership In Banking Performance

Non-Bank financial institutions and economic development in Nigeria

Prevention of fraud and control in commercial banks in Pakistan

The Effect Of Technological Innovation On The Performance Of Money Deposit Banks


The role of commercial banks in industrial development of Nigeria (A case study of Union bank plc Bauchi)

Effect Of Financial Inclusion On The Performance Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMES) In South Western Nigeria

Computerization And The Growth Of Banking Sector (2000-2019) Evidence From Nigeria

The impact of COVID-19 on SMEs in Nigeria




Role Of External Auditors On Financial Accountability Of Managers In Nigeria Organizations A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Lagos Branch

The Impact Of Macro Economic Variable On Bank Performance

Effects Of Firm Characteristics On The Performance Of Listed Insurance Companies In Nigeria

Effect Of Social Distancing On Nigerian Economy A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On Financial Sector A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On International Market A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On Petroleum Production In Nigeria A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On The Smooth Operation Of Microfinance Banks In Nigeria A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Nigeria A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On Exportation A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease

The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On The Banking Industry A Case Study Of Corona Virus Disease

Economic Importance of Covid19 (Coronavirus) in Nigeria

Effect Of Coronavirus On Global Economy

The Effect Of Corona Virus (Covid-19) On The Nigeria Economy

The role of Microfinance Banks In Financing Small Scale Businesses In Ogun State

Impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in Ghana

The Relationship Marketing On Customers Patronage Of Money Deposit Banks In Port Harcourt

Bank Specific And Macro-Economic Determinants Of Nigeria’S Banks Profitability

Demand And Supply Of Trade/Entrepreneurial Subject Teachers In Education District 111 Of Lagos State

Proposal on Investment strategies; an analytical overview

Internal Audit and Fraud Detection in the Banking Industry. A Case Study of First Bank Plc Ughelli, Delta State.

Interest Rate Deregulation and the Impact on Profitability of Commercial Banks

Importance of Bank Lending to the Development of the Nigeria Economy



“Interest Rate Deregulation and the Impact on Profitability of Commercial Banks”.

Critical Analysis of the Viability of Commercial Bank Activities in Nigerian

Constraints and Prospects of Loan Recovery in Nigeria Commercial Banks (A Study Of The First Bank Nigeria Plc, Ughelli)







Credit Management In Banking Sector (A Case Study Of Skyle Bank)

Study Of Management Of Working Capital In Banking Industry

Significance Of Information Technology On The Banking Industry

Financial Distress In Banking Industries Causes And Implication

Banking Inspection And Examination As An Aid To Effective Banking Management

Credit Creation And Management In Nigeria Commercial Banks

Fraud Prevention Detection And Control In Nigeria Banking Industry

Fraud And Financial Malpractices As A Lending Factor To Business Failure

Evaluating The Effects Electronic Data Processing In Community Bank

Impact Of Prudential Guidelines On The Services And Performances Of Banks

Effect Of Community Banks In Rural Development

Workers Motivation And Job Performance In The Banking Sector

Critical Analysis Of Cause And Problem Of Financial Distress In Nigeria Banking Sector

Role Of Commercial Banks In Financing Agricultural Co-Operative Societies

Role And Problems Of Financial Institutions To The Growth Of Small Scale Business In Nigeria

Role Of Capital Market In Economic Development

Post-Reform Appraisal Of Commercial Bank Investment And Lending Activities In Nigeria

Insurance Industry And Risk Management In Nigeria

Impact Of Quantitative Tools Of Monetary Policy On The Performance Of Deposit Of Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Appraisal On The Impact Of Effective Credit Management On The Profitability Of Commercial Banks

Analysis Of Credit Management Techniques In The Nigeria Commercial Banks

Comparative Analysis Of The Performance Of The Insurance And Banking Industries In Nigeria

Profile Of Employees Of Small Scale Business

Role Of Mortgage Institution In Housing In Nigeria

Impact Of The Nigerian Deposit Corporation (NDIC) On The Operations Of The Nigeria Banking Industry

Impact Of Capital Budgeting In The Private Sector

Effect Of Motivational Policies And Practice On Sales Force In Nigeria Banking Industry

Problems Of Budgetary Control And Management Tool For Planning And Control

Impact Of Internet Banking System In Nigeria Banking Environment

Evaluation Of UGA Micro Finance Bank

Contribution Of Micro Finance Banks To The Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Nigeria

Advertising As An Effective Promotional Tool In The Delivering Of Banking Service

Economic Impact Of Recapitalization On The Nigeria Banking Industry

Fraud Prevention And Control In Commercial Banks

Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Commercial Banks Activities

Prospects And Challenges Of Information Technology In Nigeria Banking Sector

Contribution Of The Banking Industry To The Development Of Nigeria Economy

Role Of Money Deposit Banks In Financing Small Scale Business

Impact Of Motivation On Staff Performance In The Banking Industry In Nigeria

Role Of Commercial Banks In Financing Small Scale Industries In Nigeria

Effect Of Quality Service Delivery On Consumers Patronage In The Banking Industry Of Nigeria

Ration Analysis As A Bank Lending Tool

Impact Of Corporate Governance On Banks Market Value In Nigeria

The Impact Of Bad Debt In Commercial Bank Lending In Nigeria

Merger And Acquisition In The Banking Industry In Nigeria

The Effect Of Bank Fraud In The Nigerian Economic Development (21st Century Experience)

The Implications Of Treasury Single Account (TSA) On The Nigerian Banking Sector And Economy

Impact Of Monetary Policy On The Performance Of Deposit Money Banks In Nigeria

The Impact Of Corporate Governance And Risk Management On Bank Performance

Impact Of Bridge Banking On Distress Resolution In The Nigerian Banking Sector

Impact Of Bank Competition On The Nigerian Banking System

Effect Of Deposit Money Banks On The Economic Growth Of Nigeria

Impact Of Persistent Depreciation Of The Naira Currency On The Growth Of Nigeria Economy

Commercial Bank Credit And Agricultural Output In Nigeria

The Impact Of Merging On The Banking Industry

Effect Of Automated Teller Machine On The Performance Of Nigerian Banks

Credit Management In The Banking Sector And Economic Growth Of Nigeria

Bank’S Credit And Advances And The Performance Of The Nigerian Economy

The Effect Of Accounting And Internal Control System In Deposit Money Banks Operation

Motivating The Workforce For Greater Productivity In The Banking Sector Of The Economy Of The 21st Century

Micro Finance Bank And Economic Growth In Nigeria

Roles Of Banks In Facilitating Foreign Business Finances In Nigeria

The Roles Of Universal Banks In International Trade Financing In Nigeria

An Appraisal Of The Lending And Credit Management Policies Of A Typical Money Deposit Banks

Electronic Banking And The Implication On The Economic Of Nigerian Banks

Rural Banking Scheme: A Means Of Developing Banking Habits In Nigeria

Corporate Governance And Performance Of Banks In Nigeria

An Investigation Into Accounting Policies Of Banks

The Effect Of Monetary Policies Of The Central Bank Of Nigeria (Cbn) On Deposit Money Bank

The Effects Of Dividends On The Price Of Ordinary Shares In Some Quoted Companies

The Impact Of Microfinance Bank On The Performance Of Small Scale Businesses

An Evaluation On The Value Relevance Of Corporate Disclosure To Shareholder In Nigeria

An Analysis Of Cost-Volume-Profit And Profitability Target

A Study On The Factors Affecting E-Commerce Adoption In Nigerian Banks

The Effect Of Work Environment On Employee Productivity

Managerial Competence And Training Needs Of Poultry Farmers In Nigeria

Exploring The Determinants Of Entrepreneurship Among Graduates In Nigeria

Impact Of Shariah Government On Cbn Guidelines On Non Interest Banking System

Competitive Strategy And Organizational Performance In The Nigerian Banking Industry

Effect Of Cashless Policy On Small And Medium Business In Nigeria

An Assessment Of The Role Of NDIC In Regulation And Supervision Of Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Bank Charges And Customer Satisfaction In The Nigerian Banking Sector

Examination Of Credit Management In Retail Banking Sector Of Nigeria

Assessment Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Financial Productivity Of Microfinance Banks

Debt Recovery Procedures And Strategies In Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Debt Recovery Procedures Of Deposit Money Banks In Nigeria

The Impact Of Capital Adequacy On Bank Performance: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Impact Of Cashless Policy On Banks Liquidity

The Role Of Internal Auditors In Fraud Detection And Prevention In Banks In Nigeria

An Evaluation Of The Reforms In Insurance Sector

Hindrances To Bank Credit Extension To Small Scale Businesses In Nigeria

Entrepreneurial Development And Its Impact In Our Economic Growth And Development

Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction Of Selected Money Deposit Banks In Port Harcourt

Risk Management A Critical Tool In Nigeria Banking Institution

Assessment Of Corporate Governance And Ethics In Nigeria Banking Industry: Challenges And Opportunity

Customer Satisfaction And Its Implication On Banks Performance In Nigeria

Effect Of Post Merger Performance Of Nigerian Banks

Frauds And Forgeries In The Nigerian Banking Industry

Impact Of Corporate Strategy On Financial Performance Of Financial Institutions Listed On The Nigeria Stock Exchange

Internal Control System And Bank Fraud Prevention In Nigeria Banking Industry.

Loan Syndication As A Means Of Project Finance In Nigeria

Impact Of Electronic Banking On Customer Satisfaction

Relationship Marketing As A Strategy For Competitive Advantage A Study Of Selected Banks

Inflation Control Through The Application Of Central Bank Of Nigeria

Liquidity Management In The Nigerian Banking Sector

Effects Of High Bank Lending Rates On The Manufacturing Sector Of The Nigerian Economy

Bank Fraud And Its Effect On Bank Performance In Nigeria

An Analysis Of Credit Management In The Banking Industry

The Impact Of Liquidity Management On Commercial Bank Profitability

Electronic Banking In The Nigerian Environment: Challenges, Issues And Problems

Risk Assessment And Control In Credit Administration In Banks

Analysis Of The Impact Of Effective Communication In Increasing Organizational Productivity

The Contributions Of Foreign Direct Investment To The Nigerian Economy

Taxation As A Major Source Of Government Funds And The Impact On Management Decision Making

Audit Conflict: It’s Impact On Auditors Ability To Resist Management Pressure

Human Capital Accounting As A Means Of Enhancing Information Disclosure In Financial Reports

Economic Impact Of Local Government Autonomy And Fund Management

The Contribution Of Banking Sector To Agricultural Growth In Nigeria

An Examination Of The Role Of Fiscal Policy In The Development Of Nigeria Economy

Critical Analysis Of Fraud In Nigerian Financial Institution

Analysis Of Financial Ratios For Improving Bank Performance In Nigeria

The Effectiveness And Challenges Of The CBN Cashless Policy On Rural Business Development

The Problem Of Financing Government Corporations

The Notion Nursed By Rural People Towards Banking

Loan Granting And It’S Recovery Problems On Commercial Banks

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Small Scale Entrepreneurship Development

The Role Of Financial Institution In Export Financing In Nigeria

A Study Of The Impact Of Financial Distress On Nigeria Commercial Banks

A Study Of The Use Of Financial Ratios For The Assessment Of The Performance And The Profitability Of A Firm

An Evaluation Of Budgets And Budgetary Control Systems In Medium Scale Industries

An Evaluation Of Financial Problems And Prospects Of Privatization In The Nigeria Economy

An Examination Of The Techniques Of Managing Financial Distress In The Nigeria Banking Industry

Budget And Budgetary Control As A Means Of Achieving Organizational Objectives

Commercial Banks Lending Policies In Nigeria And Their Implications

Communication As A Managerial Tool For Efficient Organizational Performance

Community Banking System In Nigeria And The Promotion Of Rural Development

Debt Recovery Techniques In The Banking Sector, Problems And Prospect

Detection And Prevention Of Financial Fraud In Nigeria Banks

Domestic Bunk Lending And Its Exisects In The Nigeria Economy

Effect Of Bank Failure On Nigeria Economic Development

Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution

Fraud And Forgery In The Nigerian Banking Industry

Impact Of Commercial Bank Credit On Agricultural Development

Institute Of Management And Technology (I.M.T)

Leasing As A Form Of Financing

Loan Syndication A Source Of Business Financing

Marketing Acceptability Of Locally Made Cosmetic Products (Beauty Aids) In Nigeria

Market of financial service by Nigeria Banking Industry

Mortgage Banking In Nigeria historical Development Achievement And Problems

Motivation Of Customers As Essential Tool In Financial Institution

Naira Exchange Rate Depreciation And Domestic Inflation In Nigeria

Nigeria Bank And Issue Of Distress

Overview And Impact Of Frauds In The Banking Industry In Nigeria (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

Problems And Prospects Of Community Banks In The Rural Development Of Nigeria

Relationship Between The Service Of Computer And Banking Activities And The Contribution Of Computer Application Toward Banking Activities In Economy

Review Of The Nigerian Banking Industry In The Year 2001

Security Market As A Source Of Finance For The Public And Private Sectors In Nigeria

Source And Application Of Funds In A Government Parastatal

Source Of Finance For Medium Scale Industry In Nigeria

The Effect Of Computerization On The Growth, Viability And Profitability

The Effect Of Financial Accounting Reporting On The Management Of A Business

The Effect Of Privatization And Commercialization Of Government Owned Industries

The Effectiveness Of Monetary Policy In Controlling Inflation In Nigeria

The Effects Of Lack Of Adequate Training Facilities On The Production Secretaries

The Effects Of Micro- Economic Policies On The Nigeria Financial Sector

The Effectiveness Of Financial Control In Public Sector

The Examination Of The Role Of Central Bank In The Regulation Of The Nigeria Economy Through Monetary Policy

The Impact Of Accounting Information On Bank Lending Decision

The Impact Of Fiscal And Monetary Policy In Controlling Unemployment In Nigeria

The Impact Of High Bank Lending On Manufacturing Sector Of The Nigerian Economy

The Impact Of Management Information On Bank Lending Decision

The Impact Of New Money Market Products On Profit Performance Of Commercial Bank In Nigeria

The Impact Of Training And Development In The Banking Industry

The Importance Of Equitable Allocation Of Revenue Resources In Nigeria

The Organization And Management Problem Of Rural Water Supply. (A Case Study Of Nnewi Water Co-Operation Anambra State)

The Role Of Budgeting In Tertiary Institution Management

The Problems & Serves Of New Generation Banks In Nigeria

The Problems And Prospects Managing Small-Scale Manufacturing Enterprise In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Alliwa Sachet Water Achara Layout Enugu)

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria (C.B.N) In Agricultural Finance Development, Problems And Prospects

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In The Economic Growth Of Nigeria

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigerian In The Management Of The Nations Foreign Debt

The Role Of Commercial Bank In Financing Of Agricultural Projects

The Role Of Commercial Bank In The Privatization Of Public Enterprises In Nigeria

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Financial Small Scale Business Enterprises In Nigeria Economy

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Small Scale Business Financing

The Role Of Community Banking In The Economic Development Of Nigeria

The Role Of Financial Sector In The Promotion Of Non – Oil Exports In Nigeria

Management And Technology

The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation In Revamping Distressed Banks In Nigeria

The Role Of Product Management In The Marketing Of Banking Service (A Case Study Of First Bank Aba Branch)

The Small Scale Enterprises And Economic Development Of Nigeria

The Study Of The Impact Of Universal Banking In Nigeria Financial System

Twenty-Five Years Of Merchant Banking In Nigeria

Working Capital Management In A Management Firm

Assessing Book-Keeping Practices Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Uyo Local Government Area

Credit Risk Management In Commercial Banks (A Case Study Of UBA PLC)

E-Banking Practices And Banks Performance

The Impact Of Government Bonds On Capital Market Growth In Nigeria

The Effect Of Interest Rate On Loan Repayment In Micro Finance Banks In Nigeria

Prospects And Challenges Of Mobile Banking In Nigeria

Portfolio Management And Its Impact On Profitability Level Of Banks In Nigeria

Impact Of Recapitalized Commercial Banks On SME Development In Nigeria

Audit Independence: Enhancing Accountability And Transparency In Corporate Organization

Analyzing Performance Appraisal Techniques In Union Bank Nig Plc

A Critical Analysis On The Use Of Financial Statements In Assessing The Performance Of An Organization (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria)

A Study On The Impact Of Budgetary Controls On The Performance Of An Organization

A Study On The Acceptance And Adoption Of The CBN Cashless Policy In Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Analysis Of Corporate Leadership And Employee Empowerment In Selected Nigerian Banks. (A Study Of Diamond Bank Plc, Ecobank Plc, Union Bank PLC, IN ENUGU

Financial Statement Analysis Of Manufacturing Company In The Solid Mineral Sector Of Nigeria Barrick Gold Corporation And Multiverse Mining And Exploration Plc

Evaluation Of Financial Abuse In The Public Sector Of Nigeria

An Investigation Into Prospect And Problems Of Computerization In The Banking Operation

The Impact Of Internal Control System On The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Ilorin Metropolis

An Empirical Analysis Of Factors Affecting Profitability Of SMES

The Effect Of Financial Reform On Banking Performance In An Emerging Market

The Impact Of The Capital Market On The Performance Of The Agricultural Sector

The Effect Of Bank Consolidation On The Performance Of The Nigerian Capital Market

Capital Market and the Performance of Nigeria Industrial Sector; A Case Study of Selected Companies (1-3)

Impact Of Microfinance Banks On The Performance Of Small Businesses In Ilorin Metropolis

The Impact Of Capital Market Instability On The Growth Of Nigeria Economy

Bank Verification Number: Implication On The Nigerian Economy And Banking Sector

The Role Of Financing Small And Medium Scale Enterprise In Rural Areas

The Role Of Commercial Banks In The Economic Development Of Nigeria

An Examination Of Bank Employees’ Job Satisfaction After A Merger

An Evaluation Of Performance Of Banking Sector In Management Of Long And Short Term Funds

An Assessment Of Loan Defaults And Its Impacts On Profitability Banks

Credit Policy Of CBN In Credit Administration In Nigeria Deposit Bank

Human Capital Development And Organisational Effectiveness In Merchant Banks

An Assessment Of The Challenges On The Adoption Of IFRS By Deposit Money Banks

Fraud Management In The Nigerian Banking Industry

New Generation Banks And Old Generation Banks: Comparative Analysis Of United Bank For Africa And Zenith Bank

The Causes Of Financial Distress And Bank Failure In Nigeria (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)

Impact Of Bank Consolidation On Operational Efficiency IN First Bank Of Nigeria

Competitive Strategies And Organisational Survival In Micro Finance Banks

Evaluation Of Bank Lending And Credit Management In Nigeria

The Role Of Commercial Banks In The Development Of Small – Scale Enterprises

The Role Of Bank Of Industry Towards The Development Of Small Scale Enterprises

The Method Of Credit Control In Commercial Banks (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

The Implication Of Recapitalization Policy On The Performance Of United Bank For Africa [UBA]

The Impact Of Risk Management On Profitability Of GT Bank

The Impact Of Marketing Strategy In Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)

The Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On Customers Service Delivery (Case Study Of UBA Plc)

The Impact Of Electronic Banking In Nigeria Banking System (Critical Appraisal Of Unity Bank Plc)

The Impact Of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) On Customer Satisfaction In Access Bank Nigeria Plc, Kaduna

The Impact Effective Credit Documentation In Commercial Bank (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc Kaduna)

The Evaluation Of Customer Services In Banking Industry (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)

The Effect Of Motivation Incentive On Bank Employee (A Case Study Of Uba, Yakubu Gowon Way, Kaduna Branch)

The Effect Of Globalization On Banking Operation In Nigeria. (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.)

The Effect Of Consolidation On Banks’ Operational Efficiency In Nigeria (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc, Kaduna)

The Effect Of Bad And Doubtful Debt On The Liquidity Of Unity Bank

The Contributions Of Information Technology In The Operations Of Banks In Nigeria

The Contributions Of United Bank For Africa To The Development Of Small Scale Enterprises

Role Of Micro Finance Banks In The Economy Development Of Nigeria

Public Relation And It’S Impact In The Banking Industry (A Case Study Of Gt Bank Kaduna Branch)

Problems And Prospects Of Microfinance Banks

Problems And Prospects Of Lending To Small Scale Agricultural Producers In Bank Of Agriculture Of Nigeria

Micro Finance Banking As A Strategy For Small Scale Agricultural Development In Nigeria

Credit And Debt Recovery In Financial Institutions. (A Case Study Of U.I.D.C Plc, Warri Delta State)

Electronic Banking And The Challenges Of The Nigerian Business Environment

Effectiveness Of Human Relations In The Banking Industry

Computerization Of Customer Services In Nigerian Banks

Application Of Marketing Concept In Commercial Banking And It Effectiveness In Consumer Satisfaction (A Case Study Of Gt Bank Plc)

Application Of Marketing Concept In GT Bank And Its Effectiveness In Consumer Satisfaction

Application Of Computer Technology In Commercial Banks In Nigeria

An Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Financial Planning And Control In The Banking Sector

An Assessment Of Re-Positioning Through Recapitalization Of Banking Sectors In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Hallmark Bank Plc )

An Assessment Of Customer Satisfaction In Banking Industry

An Appraisal Of Impact Of Electronic Banking In Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc, Kano

The Role Of Marketing In The Consolidated Banking Sector (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Kaduna)

The Impact Of Commercial Bank On Small Business Financing In Kaduna South Local Government

The Effects Of Bank Inspection In Enforcing Banking Regulation In ZENITH BANK, UBA OR FBN ETC

The Effect Of Fraud On Consumers Satisfaction In Guarantee Trust Bank, Kano Road Branch

Fraud Defection And Prevention In Commercial Bank (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc Kaduna Regional Office Kaduna)

Evaluation Of Liquidity Assets Management In First Bank Of Nigeria Plc

Enhancing Banking Service Efficiency Through Manpower Development In The Banking Sector (A Study Of Unity Bank In Kaduna Central Area, Kaduna)

Electronic Banking In Nigeria: An Assessment Of Challenges And Prospect From Consumer’S Perspective (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc , Kaura Namoda)

Effect Of Management And Control Of Cash In The Banking Sector (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc (Fbn) Kachia Road, Kaduna)

Assessment Of The Effects Of Banking Reforms In The Development Of Small And Medium Enterprise In Kaduna North Local Government

An Evaluation Of Computer In Banking Sector (A Case Study Of Access Bank Plc Kaduna)

An Assessment Of Exchange Rate Policy Measures In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Central Bank Of Nigeria Kaduna Branch)

An Assessment Of Budget And Budgetary Control In Nigeria Commercial Banks (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Kaduna

An Assessment Of Bank Deposits And Their Impact On Lending Policy (A Case Study Of Intercontinental Bank Plc, Kaduna)

An Assessment Of Analysis And Interpretation Of Financial Statement On Deposit Money Banks (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Kaduna South Branch)

An Assessment Of Adequate Risk Recognition And Management In Nigerian Insurance Companies (A Case Study Of Leadway Assurance Company. Plc. Kaduna

An Appraisal Of Deposit And Lending Policies In Nigerian Banks (A Case Study Of Access Bank Plc, Kaduna)

An Appraisal Of The Role Of Cash Deposit Banks In Agricultural Development

An Examination Of The Role Of Commercial Banks In Financing Agricultural Projects In Enugu State ( A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)

Bank Failure: “Causes And Consequences

Commercial Banks Lending Practices And The Incidence Of Bad Debt In Nigeria

Foreign Investment In Nigeria Under Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)

Mobilization Of Domestic Savings For Economic Growth And Development In The Banking Industry

Production Cost Control In Manufacturing Organisation

The Role Of The Nigerian Agriculture And Co-Operative Bank In Agricultural Financing (Problems And Prospects)

Internal Control System As A Means Of Preventing Fraud In Financial Institution A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc

The Quality Of Corporate Financial Disclosure In Banking Industry In Nigeria

Impact Of Commercial Banks On Nigeria’S Export Trade

The Determinant Of Foreign Direct Investment In Nigeria

Stock Market Capitalization And Interest Rate In Nigeria: A Time Series Analysis

A Critical Assessment Of The Survival Strategies Of Deposit Money Banks In A Depressed Economy With Special Reference To The First Bank Of Nigeria Plc

Foreign Exchange And International Trade Its Effect On Bank Profitability

An Appraisal Of New Consumer Credit Product In The Nigeria Commercial Banks

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of New Financial Products In Nigerian Commercial Banks

Analysis Of Stock Market From Investment Perspective

Banking Distress In Nigeria Causes And Implications

The Impact Of Bank Loan On The Nigerian Industrial Sector Development: An Empirical Analysis (1980 – 2006)

Human Capital Development In The Nigerian Banking Industry (Prospects And Problems)

The Source And Application Of Funds To A Commercial Banking Sector (A Case Study Of Access Bank Plc,)

Effects Of Bank Failure In Nigerian Economy

Implication Of Mergers And Acquisitions Their Effects On Banks Performance (A Case Study Of United Bank For Africa UBA)

Appraisal Of The Role Of CBN And NDIC In The Monitoring Of Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Inspection As An Aid To Effective Bank Management (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

An Evaluation Of Bank And Customer Relationship In Nigeria Banking Service (A Case Study Of Access Bank During The Period 2009-2011)

The Impact Of Export Promotion Of Economic Growth In Nigeria

Detection And Prevention Of Financial Fraud In Nigerian Banks

The Impact Of Industrial Training On Banking And Finance Students

Appraising The Effectiveness Of Credit Administration And Management In Banking Industry

The Role Of Micro Finance In Small Scale Enterprise A Case Study Of Ohha Microfinance

Effect Of Fraud In Bank Sector In Nigeria

Accounting In The Nigeria Public Sector, Issues, Problems And Prospects (A Case Study PHCN)

Effect Of Computerization On Efficient Banking Services In Nigeria

Cost Accounting Information And Price Determination (A Focus On Life Breweries Limited)

The Prospect Of Computerization In The Banking Industry (A Case Study Of United Bank For African Plc)

Nigerian Financial System As The Prime Mover Of Economic Activities As Study Of Nigerian Bank For Commerce And Industry In Enugu State

Credit Management In Nigeria Commercial Banks (A Case Study Of First And Union Banks Of Nigeria)

The Roles Of Banks In International Trade

Evaluating The Impact Of Bank Distress On The Profit Growth Of Deposit Money Banks (A Case Study Of Selected Commercial Banks

An Assessment Of Credit Management In Nigeria Commercial Banks (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

Impact Of Internal Audit And Accountability On Government Ministries / Extra Ministerial Departments (A Case Study Of The Office Of The Auditor General Of Enugu State, Nigeria)

The Role Of Financial Management In A Cooperate Organization A Case Study Of Union Bank (Nig) Plc

Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Information Technology On Banking Services Delivery (A Case Study Of Union Bank)

The Role Of International Financial Institution In The Development Of The Nigeria Economy

Earnings Management And Corporate Governance In Nigeria Banking Industry

Export Diversification Strategy For Economic Growth In Nigeria

The Impact Of Monetary Policies On Nigeria Commercial Bank (A Case Study Of Zenith Bank P.L.C)

The Impact Of Information Technology On The Banking Industry In Nigeria

The Impact Of Development Banking In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Federal Mortgage Bank Of Nigeria In Imo State)

The Impact Of The 25 Billion Recapitalization By The Central Bank Of Nigeria On Commercial Banks

The Impact Of Bank Lending On Small-Scale Industries (A Case Study Of Some Selected Small Scale Industries In Aba Metropoly)

The Importance Of Ethics And Social Responsibilities Of A Business Organisation. ( A Case Study Of Union Bank Plc Enugu).

The Role Commercial Bank In Financing Small And Medium Scale Industry In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Enterprise Bank Plc, Enugu)

The Role Of Banking In Financing Small Scale Industries (Case Study Of Union Bank Plc. Enugu)

The Application Of Electronic Marketing In The Banking Service (A Case Study Of Fidelity Bank Aba)

Savings Mobilization For Economic Development In Nigeria Banking Industry 1990 – 2004 (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

The Role Of Bank In The Development Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Nigeria: (A Case Study Of United Bank Of Africa Plc)

Urban Banking: A Tool For Economic Development: (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria, Benin City Ring Road Branch)

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In The Regulation Of Nigeria Economy Through Monetary Policy (A Case Study Of Central Bank Of Nigeria Enugu Branch)

The Impact Of Universal Banking Concept In Financial Service Delivery (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Okpara Avenue, Enugu)

The Source And Application Of Funds To A Commercial Banking Section (A Case Study Of Access Bank Plc Enugu Branch)

The Role Of Bank In The Development Of SME In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Lagos State)

An Examination Of Effect Of Off Shore Unit On Project Financing In Nigerian Economy

The Incidence Of Bad Debts And Credit Management In Nigeria Commercial Banks

A Sources Of Business Financing

The Capital Market And It’S Impact On The Nigeria Economy With Particular Emphasis On The Stock Exchange

The Importance Of The Nigerian Capital Market To Business Organizations

Effective Application Of Marketing Concept In Bank Service

The Recapitalization Options, Available To Bank For Meeting The New Minimum Share Capital Policy Of CBN

The Problems Associated With Loan Recovery In Nigeria Commercial Banks

The Impact Of Monetary Policy On The Profitability Of Banks In Nigeria

Performance Appraisal Of Monetary Policy Of Central Bank Of Nigeria

Community Banking System And The Promotion Of Rural Development

An Examination Of Treasury Management Procedures And Their Implication On Bank Performance. (A Case Study Of United Bank For Africa)

The Right And Responsibilities Of A Bank To Their Customers

The Effect Of Monetary Policy On The Finance Of Foreign Trade

An Examination Of The Impact Of Failed Banks On Nigeria Economy

Product Development In Nigerian Commercial Banks

The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation In Revamping Distressed Banks

A Critical Review Of The Role Of Community Banking In Rural Development

The Problem Of Banking Systems In Nigeria.

The Impact Of The New Products Developed In The Banking Industry In Nigeria (1990-2003) (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc State)

Taxation As A Major Source Of Government Funding (A Case Study Of Enugu State Board Of Internal Revenue

Management Of Credit Facilities In Commercial Bank (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc Ugelli Main Branch Delta State)

The Role Of Computers In Fraud Detection And Prevention In The Nigeria Banking Industry

Origin And Development Of Co-Operative Societies In Nigeria

Credit Management And Incidence Of Bad Debts In Nigeria Commercial Banks

The Role Of Budget In Banking Management

Sources And Utilization Of Local Government Finance In Nigeria

The Effects Of Computer Application On Profit Of Bank’S In Nigeria

Inflation Control Through The Use Of Central Bank Of Nigeria (Cbn) Instrument Of Credit Control

Crisis Management In Banking Industry

Review Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies In The Nigeria Economy

Training And Development Of Human Resources. A Critical Factor In Banking Operations (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc.) Enugu Main Branch

The Impact Of Mortgage Banking In Nigerians Economic Development Programmes

The Role Of Working Capital Management In Private Sector Establishments

An Appraisal Of Community Bank Contribution To Rural Economic Development In Anambra State A Case Study Of Awka Community Bank

The Role Of Commercial Bank In Achieving Stability In Foreign Exchange

The Impact Of Organizational Structure Of Commercial Banks On Efficient Customer Service In Nigeria

The Lending Constraints Of Nigerian Commercial Banks

The Problem And Prospect Of Capital Mobilization In Financing Small Industries In Enugu State

The Role Of Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (N.D.I.C) In Managing Financial Distress (A Case Study Of Citizen Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

Impact Of Supervision On Management Efficiency In Banking Industry

The Role Of The Community Banks In The Development Of Rural Economy

An Appraisal Of Liquidity Problems In Commercial Bank In Nigeria

The Role Of Money Market In The Nigerian Economy

The Role Of Commercial Bank In Industrial Development Of Onitsha

The Use Of Financial Ratios For The Assessment Of The Performance And The Profitability Of A Firm

Computerization Of Banking Service Its Effect On The Efficiency Of Banking Service In Nigeria

Banking Lending Policies And Recovery Procedure In Nigeria

Effects Of Bank Distress On The Saving Habits Of The Rural Dwellers

The Usefulness Of Financial Statement In Persuasive The Performance Companies And In Guiding Investment Decisions (A Case Study Of Sunrise Flour Mill Ltd Enugu)

The Impact Of Foreign Capital On Entrepreneurship Development In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Enugu State)

Frauds In Nigeria Banks :Analysis And Solutions

The Role Of Nigeria Agricultural Co-Operative And Rural Development Bank On Nigeria Economy

Effective Management Of Nigerian External Reserves

Effectiveness Of Credit Guidelines As An Instrument Of Monetary Policy In Nigeria

The Impact Of Commercial Bank Lending On The Economic Development Of Nigeria

Empowering The Local Government Councils In Their Internally Generated Revenue

Nature Of Banking Services In Nigeria

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In Preventing Bank Failure In Nigeria

Minimization Of Bank Fraud In Nigeria : Problems And Prospects

Mortgage Arrangement In Depressed Economy (A Case Study Of Federal Mortgage Bank Of Nigeria)

An Appraisal Of Capital Budgeting Decisions In Government Parastatals

The Impact Of Banking Regulation And Supervision In Nigeria Commercial Banks

Empirical Analysis Of Commercial Banks Lending Policies To The Private Sector (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Ogui Road Enugu)

An Analysis Of Capital Restructuring As A Solution To Corporate Failures

The Effect Of Federal Expenditure And Money Supply On The Rate Of Unemployment

The Role Of Bank Export Promotion For Economic Growth

The Effect Of Taxation On Manufacturing Firms (A Case Study Of Ikeji Plastic Company Limited Onitsha)

An Evaluation Of Bank Failure And Economic Development In Nigeria

The Techniques Of Improving Community Banking Services In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Ohha Community Bank Nig Ltd)

An Analysis Of Universal Banking And Its Implication On The Nigerian Economy

The Appraisal Of Commercial Banks Sectorial Distribution Of Loans And Advances

Bank Failure And Economic Development In Nigeria

The Need For Banks In Rural Areas

An Analysis Of External Debt And Economic Growth In Nigeria 1992-2004

The Role Of Financial Institution In Export Financing

Mismanagement In Financial Institution (Bank) Effect And Solution

Electronic Banking In Nigeria: Problems And Prospects

The Role Of Financial Institution In The Promotion Of Non-Oil Export In Nigeria

An Overview Of The Risks Associated With Bank Lending In The Banking Sector

The Contribution Of Financial Institution In The Development Of Nigeria Economy

Tax As A Means Of Income Redistribution In Nigeria

The Impact Of Budgetary Control On The Profit Of Business Enterprise

Financing State Government Project Through The Capital Market Problem Prospects

Agricultural Finance Development Problems And Prospects. A Case Study Of Nigeria Agricultural Insurance Company (Naic) Enugu

Impact Of Inflation On Financial Statement Of An Organization

Financial Reporting In Nigeria, Problems And Solution

An Appraisal For The Application Of Management By Objectives In Financial Institution (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Okpara Avenue Branch Enugu)

Management Of Foreign Exchange In Nigeria By Central Bank (CBN)

The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation On International Trade (Export) In Nigeria

The Role Of Nigeria Agricultural And Cooperative Bank (NACB) In The Development Of Agricultural In Nigeria

Problems Of Debt Recovery In Public Enterprises (A Case Study Of National Electrical Power Authority (Nepa)

Analysis Of Incidence Of Loan Default In Merchant Bank (A Case Of Ivory Merchant Bank)

Financing A Small Scale Business In Enugu Ayogu

An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Management Crisis In Nigeria Financial Institutions.

Crisis Management Of Some Distressed Banks.

An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Urban Development In Project Financing In Nigeria

The Role Of Banks In Industrial Development Of Nigeria

The Effectiveness Of Monetary Policies In The Nigerian Economy

Working Capital Management In Automobile Industry

The Impact Of New Products On The Profit Performance Of Commercial Banks In Nigeria (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc Submitted)

The Effect Of Inflation On The Economy

Information Technology It’S (INFOTECH) Significance In The Banking Sector

The Impact Of Federal Government Tax Policies On Nigerian Economy

Motivation Of Bank Workers For Higher Productivity In Banking Sector (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Okpara Avenue Enugu)

Distress In The Financial Industry: Cases, Application And Possible Solution

The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation In The Banking Sector

Nigeria Deregulation, Impact And Implication

Liquidity Management Practice At First Bank Of Nigeria

The Role Of Community Bank In Rural Development Of Nigeria

Performance Evaluation Of New Products Developed In The Banking Industry 1999 – 2004 A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc Enugu

The Role Of Commercial Bank In Financing Agricultural Project In Anambra State

The Impact Of Liquidity Problem On The Nigerian Banking Industry.

Inflation In Nigeria Causes Consequence And Control

An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Commercial Bank Lending On Small Scale Industries In Nigeria

Contending The Rate Of Fraud In The Banking Industry

An Examination Of The Source And Uses Of Local Government Fund In Nigeria

The Problems Of Banking Habits Of The Rural Communities In Nigeria.

The Problems Of Management Of A Recessionary Economy

Improving Customer Service In Nigeria Commercial Banks

Financial Management In Government Owned Companies In Enugu State

Fraudulent Practices In The Banking Industry: Causes And Possible Remedies

Bank Fraud And Malpractice: Sources, Forms And Causes

The Marketing Of Banking Services (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

An Appraisal Of The Internal Control System In Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasoned, Consequences And Solution

Clearing As A Means Of Sustaining Bank And Suppressing Fraud: A Case Study Of U. B. A. Main Branch Enugu

Banking Regulation And The Performance Of The Nigeria Banking Industry (1990-2006)

Income Tax Evasion And Avoidance Their Causes And Remedies Nigeria

The Role Of Insurance Companies In Nigeria Economic Development

Banking Habits In Rural Communities

The Impact Of Foreign Investment On The Development Of Nigeria Economy

Marketing Of Commercial Bank’S Services

The Effect Of Inflation And Interest Rate On Economic Growth Of Nigeria

Agricultural Loan Disbursement And Repayment In Nigeria Commercial Banks [A Case Study Of Afribank Nigerial Plc]

The Relationship Between Money Supply And Level Of National Income In Nigeria

The Role Of Commercial Bank In Agricultural Financing In Enugu State

The Nigerian Capital Market And It’S Contribution To The Economy

An Analysis On The Effects Of Money Supply On Employment In Nigeria Economy

The Analysis Of The Performance Of Computerization On Nigeria Financial System (A Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc)

Bank Inspection In Examine As An Effective Tool In Bank Management

The Problems In Administration Of VAT In Nigeria

The Impact Of Capital Investment In Nigeria Economy

The Causes And Effects Of Liquidity Problem On The Nigeria Banking Industry

Tax As An Instrument Of Development In Some Created State

The Impact Of Insurance Companies In The Development Of An Economy

The Effect Of Government Policy On Commercial Bank Lending Ability In Nigeria

Evaluation Of The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In Ensuring Efficient And Effective Banking Operation In Nigeria

Distress In Banking Sector How To Avert Future Occurrence

Process Of Innovation In The Banking Industry (A Critical Study On The Impact Of Computer Application On The Commercial Banks In Nigeria)

The Impact On Nigeria Import Restriction On The Economy

Operating Banking Account Problems And Solution

Capital Markets, Its Nature And Significance

The Effect Of Claim Settlement On Profit Maximization In The Insurance Industries

The Effect Of Funding On The Performance Of Private Schools

Evaluation Of The Impact Of The Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC)

External Trade Financing In Nigeria

The Financial Problems Of Nigerian Bread Industry. (A Case Study Of Freedom Bakery Enugu – Ngwo 1995 – 2005.

The Role Of Nigerian Commercial Banks In National Economic Recovery (A Case Study Of Equity Bank Of Nigerian Limited)

Commercial Banks Control Of Customer Accounts

The Effectiveness Of Monetary Policy On The Banking Sector In Nigeria

The Course Of The Courses And Effects Of Mismanagement In The Financial Institution And The Possible Solutions

The Problem And Prospects Of New Generation Banks In Nigeria

The Role Of The Stock Exchange Market In The Economy

Management Of Bad Debt In The Nigeria Banking System Scopes And Remedies

The Role Of Foreign Exchange Market In Achieving A Realistic Exchange Rate For Naira

The Role Of Capital Market In Development Of Nigeria Economy

Problems And Prospects Of Financing Health Care Delivery In Nigeria

Electronic Payment System In Nigeria: Implementation,Constraints And Solutions

Impact Of Shariah governance On CBN Guidelines On Non Interest Banking System: A Case Study Of Jaiz Bank

The Impact Of The CBN Cashless Policy On The Nigerian Populace – A Pain Or A Gain?

An Evaluation Of The Independency Of The Central Bank Of Nigeria

Social Cultural Variables And Practices Of Nigerian Financial Institutions

The Influence Of The Reduction In Oil Price And The Devaluation Of Naira On The Nigeria Economic Growth

Perception Of Bank Customers On CBN’S Cashless Policy In Nigeria

Impact Of Internet Banking On Customer Satisfaction

An Appraisal Of Operational Problems Facing Micro Finance Bank In Delta State (A Study Of Land Rock Micro Finance Asaba Delta State

Electronic Banking As An Aid To Commercial Bank Operations In Nigeria (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria)

Impact Of Debt Financing On The Growth Manufacturing Firms In Nigeria

Performance Assessment And Investment Decisions In Nigeria Commercial Bank: A Case Study Of First Bank

Problems Of Commercial Banks Loan Syndication On The Nigerian Economic And The Impact Of Micro Economic Variables On GDP In Nigeria Economy

Appraisal Of The Effect Of Electronic Payment System On Customer Satisfaction In Nigeria Banking System. A Study Of Access Bank Plc, Calabar

Encouraging Growth To Reduce Poverty In Nigeria

The effect of electronic payment system on customer satisfaction in Nigeria banking system

Training And Development Of Human Resources As A Critical Factor In Banking Operations (a Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc) Enugu Main Branch

Banks’ Financing Small Scale Business Unit. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Enugu Branch)

Effects Fraudulent Act In The Banking Sector

The Role Of Capital Market In Federal Government Financing

An Examination Of The Problem And Prospect Of Financing State Government Projects Through The Capital Market Presented

The Effect Of Bank Recapitalization On The Economy Of Nigeria

The Role Of External Auditor In Banking Operation

The Role Of Electronic Banking In Development Of Banking Industries In Nigeria

Impact Of Strike Action In The Achievement Of Trade Union Aims In An Organization (A Case Study Of NUT)

Impact Of Community Banks In Economic Growth And Development Of Nigeria (A Case Study Of Ndi Afia Community Bank In Enugu Urban)

An Evaluation Into The Nature Problems And Prospects Of The New Products Developed In The Banking Industry (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc, Enugu)

A Critical Analysis Of Revenue And Expenditure Of Local Government Administration In Nigeria (Case Study Of Mbanabo North Local Government

An Appraisal Of The Marketing Concept In The Banking Industry (A Case Study Of Selected Commercial Banks)

A Survey On Problems Of Marketing Commercial Bank Services A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Garden Avenue, Enugu

An Evaluation Of Credit Management And The Incident Of Bad Debt In Nigeria Commercial Bank (Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria)

The Impact Of Central Bank Of Nigeria Prudential Guidelines On The Financial Statement Of Licensed: A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc And Union Bank Of Nigeria

A Critical Appraisal Of Current Assets Management In Public Limited Liability Companies (A Case Study Of Nigerian Breweries Plc Enugu)

The Impact Of Organizational Structure Of Commercial Banks On Efficient Customer Service In Nigeria (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc)

Evaluating The Impact Of Bank Distress On The Profit Growth Of Existing Commercial Banks. (A Case Study Of Selected Commercial Banks)

The Impact Of Bank Failure In Nigeria Economy A Case Study Of Savannah Bank Of Nigeria Plc

Bank Distress: A Critical Review Of The Courses And Possible Control In The Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study Of N.D.I.C Enugu)

Capital Budgeting In The Private Sector (A Case Study Of The Nigerian Breweries)

The Practice Of Corporate Social Responsibilities In The Brewery Industry (A Case Study Of The Nigerian Breweries Ama Enugu)

Savings Mobilization Far Economic Development In Nigeria Banking Industry Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc

Bank Fraud And Its Effects On Nigerian’S Economy

Banks Participation In The Industrial Development Of Nigeria (A Case Study Of Union Bank Nig Plc)

Checking Distress In The Nigerian Banking Sector As The Role Of Accountants And Auditors

Community Banking Problems And Prospects

Credit Management And Bank Lending

Desirability Of Securities For Loan In Nigeria Commercial Bank

Effective Internal Control As A Basis For Prevention And Detection Of Fraud In Bank In Nigeria

Improving The Management Of Loanable Funds In Commercial Banks In Nigeria

Loan Syndication As An Alternative Business Financing Strategy In Nigeria

Loan Syndication In Banks (A Case Study Of International Merchant Bank. IMB)

Management Of Risk In Agricultural Financing

Problems Of Money Transmission In Nigerian Banks

Ratio Analysis As A Bank Lending Tool

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria And Merchant Banks In Financial International Trade In Nigeria

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In Agricultural Finance Development, Problems And Prospects

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In Stabilizing Nigeria Economy

Analysis Of Financial Ratio As An Aid To Economic Analysis

Spiral Growth Of Banks In Nigeria Manpower And Solutions

A Critical Analysis Of Causes And Problem Of Financial Distress In Nigeria

The Developmental Impact Of Rural Banking In Nigeria A Case Study Of United Bank For Africa (UBA)

The Impact Of Internet Banking System On Nigeria Banking Environment A CASE STUDY OF UNION BANK OF NIGERIA

Global Economic Meltdown And The Nigerian Capital Market

Analysis Of External Debt And Economic Growth In Nigeria

Micro finance: The Way Forward To Empowering The Citizenry

A Critical Analysis Of The Use Of Financial Report In Assessing Bank Performance

The Effect Of Financial Leverage On Company Performance

The Problems Of New Bank In Nigeria

Competitive Strategies And Changes In Banking Industry In Nigeria

The Role And Importance Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In The Prevention Of Bank Failure In Nigeria

Corporate Governance Indicators And Firm Value

The Developmental Impact Of Rural Banking In Nigeria A Case Study Of United Bank For Africa

Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty In The Nigeria Banking Industry

Role Of Microfinance Banks In The Alleviation Of Poverty In Nigeria

Loan Granting And Its Recovery Problems On Commercial Banks

Role Of Capital Market In Industrial Growth And Development In Nigeria

Impact Of Money Market On The Liquidity Of Some Selected Quoted Banks In Nigeria

Impact Of Capital Market On Economic Growth Of Nigeria

Credit Management And The Incidence Of Bad Debt In Nigeria Money-Deposit Banks. (A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

Appraisal Of The Economic Implication Of Electronic Banking In Nigeria Banks (A Case Study Of Diamond Bank)

An Investigation Of The Contributions Of Microfinance Banking Institution To Capital Formation In Nigeria

The use of accounting information in assessing control and performance in an organization (A case study of first bank of Nigeria owerri)

Financial and economic crimes, its implications for the banking industry and Nigeria economy

The Impact Of Internet Banking On Profitability Of Commercial Banks In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Fidelity Bank Plc 2012-2014)

Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On Employee Morale (A Case Study Of First City Monument Bank Plc, Calabar)

The Effect Of The Naira Devaluation On Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Nigeria ( A Case Study Of Selected Mini Importers In Lagos State)

Analysis Of Finite Horizon Investment Strategies For A Logarithmic Utility Function

Evaluation Of Bank Lending Practices And Credit Management In Nigeria

A critical assessment of the role of bank verification number (BVN) in reducing fraud in Nigerian banks. (a case study of central bank of Nigeria, uyo branch)

The role of currency devaluation in developing countries, a case study of Nigeria.

The Impact Of The CBN’s Cashless Policy On The Development Of The Banking Sector Of Nigeria

Management Of Bad Debts In Micro Finance Banks In Nigeria ( A Case Study Of Six Selected Micro Finance Banks In Anambra State)

The Impact Of Banks Credit In The Nigeria Economy

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