Meet the best statistician in the world
Meet the best statistician in the world
Arguably the most notable statistician of all time is Ronald Fisher.
He laid down a significant chunk of modern statistics in his work on experimental process, which is used in almost every branch of science and engineering today (if they do science and engineering properly) and pioneered a number of different concepts that are the cornerstone of classical frequentist statistics.
The concept of 'null hypothesis'? Fisher.
p-values? Fisher.
Maximum likelihood? Fisher.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)? Fisher.
95% confidence? Fisher.
F-distribution and F-test? Fisher.
Another one whose name doesn't get bandied around as much, but has a very famous invention is William Sealy Gosset, who published the famous t-test under the pseudonym "Student" (to avoid getting in trouble with his employer, the Guinness Brewery).
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