5 Easy Definition of ANOVA to Memorize
5 Easy Definition of ANOVA to Memorize
i. ANOVA tests for equality of means, not proportions. The problem on the "rollers" requires testing for equality of proportions and not means. The data that i have for that problem involves the number of rollers classified as Good, Regrind, and Scrap. I'm i still wrong?
ii. The dependent variable is nominal level; so are independent variable. Chi-square is the appropriate test.
iii. This is Chi-square test not Two-way ANOVA Chi-Square: Test for equality of proportion i.e difference among more than two sample proportionAnova: Test for equality of mean i.e difference among more than two same mean.
iv. Chi-square. Its proportions that are given. ANOVA applies to means not proportions
v. Two way ANOVA can be used to solve this problem. My calculation for this problem revealed no significant difference between three Mechanists (p = 0.33).
This is educative and straight forward. Thanks