

Survival Fund: Extension of Registration portal For Payroll Support Scheme

Survival Fund: Extension of Registration portal For Payroll Support Scheme

Survival Fund: Extension of Registration portal For Payroll Support Scheme

The Federal Government has decided to extend the MSME Survival Fund Payroll Support Scheme to businesses who are yet to complete their applications.

Sample Of Workers Payment Salary Scale

To complete your application and stand a chance to benefit from this payroll support scheme, please login to your profile on www.survivalfund.gov.ng and submit the following information/documents by 5pm on Friday 4th December 2020:

  1. Company Registration details (e.g. RC No., Year of Registration, Business Name, Type of Business, TIN)
  2. Employee Account Numbers and BVNs Proof of last three (3) salaries paid to your employees.

Apply Here

Note: you must supply company information as they appear on your cac certificate, and your bank details as they appear on your bank statement

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