Northern Nigeria and penal code legal system
Northern Nigeria and penal code legal system.
Surely history had been confirmed and proved the oldest civilized communities have their own legal system, but they are not shearing the same oriented background, they are popularly Muslims and they took more than a decade practices their own legal system, and constituted as overall ways of their life,
Even at the beginning of nineteenth century a jihad led by Usmanu danfodiyo resulted in the establishment the authority of the caliph and local emirs was closely identified with the application of Islamic criminal law, with this so many arrangements were set-up and observed,
So this shows that the oldest legal system in northern Nigeria wasn't be Elian, and most of the northern communities were regarding and recognized the oldest system,
Though penal code Was a marged system collided by colonial masters, which they just considered some civil jurists and gives total negligence to criminal part then marged it with their own..
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