10 courses you maybe wasting your time studying at the university
10 courses you maybe wasting your time studying at the university
University is a high-level school offering classes that can lead to a bachelor's degree, or to master's and doctoral degrees at the graduate level.
In the university, some courses are meant to studied within the time duration of 4-years and some may take longer than the years listed like 5,6 to 7 years.
The annoying thing is that people go to school hoping that one day they'll be able to earn a living but today irrespective of the course you study the pay can never be sufficient for an average family. This is too bad
Everyone agreed that, In the university, there are some courses you refer to as professional courses. Namely:-
Lab Science
Business Administration
Web Designing
Banking and Finance
Engineering and likes
To be Frank every course you studied is good and is marketable
The marketability of any course depends on you
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